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OH 45066, USA -
Our Phone: (937) 748-4411
Our Email: info@wyattinsurancegroup.com
With people working from home and technology continuing to take over, you’re likely not driving your vehicle as much as you used to. So, I have identified the 3 easiest ways to save on your auto insurance.
1) Raise your deductibles
There are two types of deductibles on your auto insurance policy: comprehensive and collision. Comprehensive deductible covers incidents like fire, theft, vandalism, animal strike, etc. In other words, incidents that are out of your control. For example, a hail storm occurs and causes damages to your vehicle, you pay your deductible and the insurance company will cover the rest of the damages. Your collision deductible applies if you were to strike another vehicle or an object. You would pay your deductible then the insurance company would cover the rest. A simple way to save on your auto insurance is to raise your deductibles. This will help cut down your monthly payment because you are willing to pay more out of pocket in the event of a loss.
2) Take advantage of telematics
Almost all insurance companies have implemented telematics. Telematics can be used either as a device you plug-in to your vehicle or a mobile app you download on your smart phone. With almost all insurance companies, you’ll find that there is a discount just to try it. The program tests your driving habits for a period of time and monitors items such as miles driven, hard breaks and fast accelerations. Based on the findings, a discount will be calculated and applied to your renewal. Due to the fact that most people are working from home and driving less, now is a great time to take advantage of this program!
3) Bundle your auto with a homeowners or renters policy
This one sounds simple but many people are not currently taking advantage of this easy way to save! Some insurance companies offer up to 20% discount if you have multiple policies with them. Be sure to double check with your agent to make sure you are receiving the multi-policy discount.
In conclusion be sure to double check with your agent to make sure you are taking advantage of the 3 easiest ways to save on your auto insurance!